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English Classes in Miami
Intensive English Course
Semi Intensive English
Private English Classes
Portuguese classes
Portuguese classes in Miami
Private Portuguese classes
Spanish classes
Spanish classes in Miami
Private Spanish classes in Miami
Classes in Companies
Contact us
English Classes in Miami
Intensive English Course
Semi Intensive English
Private English Classes
Portuguese classes
Portuguese classes in Miami
Private Portuguese classes
Spanish classes
Spanish classes in Miami
Private Spanish classes in Miami
Classes in Companies
Contact us
Phone 305-529-2257
Whatsapp +1 786-774-0446
English Classes in Miami
Intensive English Course
Semi Intensive English
Private English Classes
Portuguese classes
Portuguese classes in Miami
Private Portuguese classes
Spanish classes
Spanish classes in Miami
Private Spanish classes in Miami
Classes in Companies
Contact us
English Classes in Miami
Intensive English Course
Semi Intensive English
Private English Classes
Portuguese classes
Portuguese classes in Miami
Private Portuguese classes
Spanish classes
Spanish classes in Miami
Private Spanish classes in Miami
Classes in Companies
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Please tell us how you heard about CCLS Miami by selecting one of the options above!
Please write the name of the person who recommended our services:
Please tell us how you heard about us:
Choose one of the options below:
I am at a beginner level of English.
I am not at a beginner level and would like to take the placement tests.
To get started, complete the online written portion of the placement test, use the following link to access it:
Tuition fees (all courses are 2 months each)
EEC – 2 payments of $350
CSK – 2 payments of $300
Intensive English – EEC + CSK -2 payments of $650
WAH – one payment of $307
Educational materials are not included in the tuition fee.
New students only: Discount for the first course at CCLS
$50 off tuition for an EEC course: 2 payments of $325
$50 off tuition for a CSK course: 2 payments of $275
$100 off tuition for an Intensive English course: 2 payments of $600
$50 off tuition for a WAH course: one payment of $257
The first payment is due at registration and the second payment 4 weeks later.
Educational materials (sales tax included)
EEC courses: $66.34
CSK courses: $57.78
IEP courses: $124.12
Way Ahead courses: $66.34
Depending on the course and level of instruction, the course book may be good for 1 to 3 courses.
New students only: Tuition and books for the first course
EEC course: first payment: $391.34; 2nd payment: $325
CSK course: first payment: $332.78; 2nd payment: $275
IEP course: first payment: $724.12; 2nd payment: $600
WAH course: one payment: of $323.34
The first payment is due at registration and the second payment 4 weeks later.
Form of Payment
Check from a US bank
Credit card. The details are below
Zelle: CCLS ID is
Pay by phone (305 529-2224)
Cash payment at CCLS
Zelle payments: Please write the student name in Zelle´s message box.
DISCLAIMER FOR ZELLE / CASH/ CHECK / PAY BY PHONE: Your enrollment is not complete and discount is not guaranteed until payment is received.
I understand
Credit card
Name on the card
Credit card number
Please add the credit card number without any dashes or spaces
Security code (CVC)
Three-digit code on the back your Visa, MC or Discover card. Four-digit code on the front of your Amex card.
Expiration Date (month):
Expiration Date (year):
Complete billing address
Please include city and zip code (if available).
Payment authorization
I authorize CCLS to charge my credit card provided.
Refund and Academic Progress Policies.
I have read and accept the terms of the CCLS Refund and Academic Progress Policies below:
Refund Eligibility and Payment
1. If the course is cancelled by CCLS, all fees are refunded.
2. If the student never attends or cancels before the course’s start date, a full tuition refund will be made.
3. If an attending student withdraws at or before the first course’s midpoint, CCLS will retain four weeks of tuition.
4. If a continuing student withdraws at or before the course’s midpoint, CCLS will retain a prorated amount of tuition fees. The prorated amount will be made in weeks up to the last day of attendance. CCLS will consider partial attendance the same as a whole week provided the student attended at least one class during the schedule week.
5. If a student withdraws after the midpoint of any course, CCLS retains all of the tuition fees for that course.
6. Courses not taken will be refunded but any discounts based on prepayment of multiple courses will be voided and the courses taken recalculated based on the prevailing tuition fee. All other discounts are voided.
7. Materials are non-refundable, unless CCLS cancels the course.
8. Refund payments will be made within forty-five (45) days of the date of determination, which is the date the student withdraws, or the last day of attendance, or the date on which CCLS dismisses the student due to excessive absences (30 calendar days, excepting school recess) or the student’s failure to adhere to the institution’s attendance and conduct or violation of local, state, or federal law.
Credit card payments made to CCLS Miami will be credited to the same credit card account (credit card must be presented at the time of the refund). All other forms of payment will be refunded via a CCLS check, Zelle or wire transfer, at CCLS’ discretion, minus bank or courier fees.
CCLS retains student records for three (3) years after the date of determination. If CCLS is unable to contact or locate the student within three years of the date of determination, CCLS will retain any refunds due.
CCLS Academic Progress Policy
Students should maintain at least an 80% attendance. Tardiness or early departures over 15 minutes will be noted on your record. Six tardies or early departures will be recorded as one absence. Attendance counts up to 10 points towards your final grade.
Class Participation
Your engagement and performance in class will be evaluated on a daily basis and count up to 10 points towards your final grade. The use of electronic devices in class will decrease your participation grade.
Oral and written exercises will help you assimilate the new structures and vocabulary more effectively. Completion of all work assigned by your teachers counts up to 10 points towards your final grade.
Student Evaluation and Advancement
At the end of the course, you will be evaluated by means of written and oral exams, as well as your attendance, participation in class and homework completion. The weight of each component of your final grade is as follows:
EEC / WAH courses
1. Final Oral Exam – 35%
2. Midterm & Final Written Exams – 35%
3. Attendance – 10%
4. Assignments – 10%
5. Participation – 10%
CSK Courses
1. Presentations – 40%
2. Midterm & Final Exams – 35%
3. Attendance – 10%
4. Assignments – 10%
5. Participation – 10%
EEC – English for Effective Communication
CSK – Communication Skills
WAH – Way Ahead
The passing grade is 70%. Students enrolled in the Intensive English Program (EEC + CSK courses) will receive one final average grade. The EEC courses represent 70%, while the CSK courses represent 30%.
Student or their legal guardian declaration: By writing my name on the space below, I understand it represents my signature on this online form. I expressly acknowledge that I understand and consent to the terms contained in the Refund and Academic Progress policies
Cursos de Inglês
Curso Intensivo de Inglês
Inglês Semi Intensivo
Aulas particulares de inglês
Aulas em Empresas
Cursos de Inglês
Curso Intensivo de Inglês
Inglês Semi Intensivo
Aulas particulares de inglês
Aulas em Empresas
Cursos de Inglês
Curso Intensivo de Inglês
Inglês Semi Intensivo
Aulas particulares de inglês
Aulas em Empresas